Cranial-Sacral Therapy
Cranial-sacral therapy is grounded in awareness of the movement of fluids up and down the spinal cord and around the brain.
These subtle tides and the energy associated with them influence and are influenced by all other systems in our bodies. They are related, in part, to tiny movements, or lack thereof, of the bones of the skull, the spine and the pelvis.
Living Bones. We tend to think of our bones as inflexible and brittle. After all, most of us have only ever seen dead bones. Our bigger bones are by necessity strong and rigid in order to help us stay upright and move, but in reality, while we live all our bones are alive and--to some degree--flexible.
The bones in the head (and there are an amazing number of them), though joined at what are known as “sutures,” can still move and shift in relation to each other in some tiny but amazing ways.
The brain and the fluid system protecting it and the spinal cord are highly sensitive, and can be affected by, and in turn affect, this movement of cranial and spinal bones. It’s small, subtle stuff. But so are the movements of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom and we know those can have profound effects.
Using educated and gentle touch, and from a place of quiet sensitivity, a cranial-sacral therapist can sense and support the free flow of these natural tides which can lead to a deeper sense of peace, strength and to a release of old pain, both physical and emotional, for the client.
The tradition I trained in is called biodynamic cranial-sacral therapy. That’s a mouthful, but basically it means that I don’t follow a predetermined treatment plan during a session. Instead I listen to your body, to your words, to your nonverbal messages with my hands, my heart, my mind and my intuition. I adjust my treatments based on that awareness as well as on direct feedback from you.
Why the photo of the baby? There is a basic cranial-sacral hold in which the practitioner rests one hand on the back of the client's head (the occiput) and one on the pelvic bone at the base of the spine (the sacrum). The practitioner is then simply present, supporting the client as energy flows very gently up and down the spine between the occiput and the sacrum, in its natural, and repeating, rhythm. Just as holding and gently rocking a baby can calm a little one down, this supported flow of subtle energy can offer a sense of safety and centeredness for a client. The name of this hold? "Rock the baby." Of course. Many thanks to the family that gave me permission to use this photo of their lovely little girl.
For more extensive information about cranial-sacral therapy please visit Franklyn Sills’ Web site: