May I Suggest? May I Suggest to You?
Here's a current favorite song--poignant, full of hope, with flowing rhymes and a simple, powerful message.
May I Suggest? May I Suggest to You?
Arriving, an Animal and an Ark
You Come Too
Maiden Voyages: Inspiration from Our Ancestors
Fixing? Helping? Serving?
Still There Is Much That Is Fair
A Twelve Billion Year Legacy
Feet On the Ground
Bon appétit!
The Remarkable Place Where Humans (Maybe) Reside But Mostly We Don't Want to Know...Or Do We?
Sons of...Sons With?
Beginner's Fingers, Beginner's Mind
From Before Always
Indra's Web
What the World Needs...
Then It’s Gone...
Like Coming Home: Writing a Song
Inter-Tidal Regions of Collective Joy
The Opus to Be Translated Is Yourself