As promised, here is the list of all the tools in all the toolkits so far. Or consider it an atlas of maps.
None of these tools will make everything better, especially if you just do them once. But I have found that weaving some of them into my daily life, and doing them repeatedly—like breathing, like eating—is really helping. Take what you like and leave the rest.
Note that I have included a link for each toolkit, but not for individual tools. The tools are, however, in order as they are found within the toolkits, so once you get into the toolkit just scroll down to find the tool you you want.

- Prayer and meditation
- Zapchen
- Ahhhhhhhhhh
- Horselips
- Humming
- Wow
- A space of grace
- Hands on
- Get outside
- Be active/exercise
- Laugh and smile
- Help something grow
- Power poses
- Limit COVID-related screen time
- Pandemic poem
- Martial arts story

- Gratitude
- Notice the little things
- Zapchen
- Whispered ahhhhhhhhhh
- Hum with someone
- Jiggling
- Become aware of your feet
- Thanks for sharing
- Repeat a phrase many times
- Read inspirational material
- Coloring
- Remember spring?
- Cartoons and memes

- Zapchen
- Ahhhhhhh looking at the sky
- Yawning
- Playful retching
- Mix and match
- Mini-sabbath
- Emotions follow body (including Peanuts cartoon
- News fasting
- The lake meditation
- Inspiration from our ancestors

- If you slip, get up
- Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Including you
- Live and let live
- Help stop the contagion of fear and anxiety
- Reel it in

Mini-Toolkit (for those with little time;
can be done while doing other things or just take a few seconds)
- Ahhhhhhhhhh
- Humming
- Jiggling
- Horselips
- Feel your feet
- Yawning
- Gratitude
- Laughing
- Smiling

- Take a break
- If you are thirsty, drink
- Go outside and feel the breeze
- Stop wearing your shoulders as earrings
- Turn your head, s-l-o-w-l-y side to side
- Move your eyes s-l-o-w-l-y side to side
- Dance while you wash your hands

- Admit your frustration
- Swish your feet around
- Talking funny (zapchen)
- Hand on your heart
- Accept your humanity: your limits and your mortality

- Hands-on
- Palm icons
- Touch your palm
- Patting (zapchen)
- Squeezing

- Make your own menu
- Half-size that window
- Think about a pink-spotted giraffe
- Feelie hearts
- Tolkien quote

- Share stories
- Allow sadness

- On Courage
Photo credits:
Andrew Neel (cover photo), unSplash
Greg Becker, unSplash
Toa Heftiba, unSplash
Daniel Lincoln, unSplash
Louis Hansel, unSplash
Sharon McCutcheon, unSplash
Gabby Orcutt, unSplash
Darius Bashar, unSplash
Liv Bruce, unSplash
Bridges Center
Belinda Fewings, unSplash